Paulina Gretzky Makes The Stanley Cup A Billion Times Better

It’s always fun to watch a sports franchise end decades of irrelevance with a slightly improbable title run, so for no reason other than they’d never won one, it was nice to see the Los Angeles Kings win the Stanley Cup. The problem, though, with any L.A. team winning a title is that, oh sweet merciless lord, the celebrity bandwagon tips over within minutes. Hell, I’m surprised Kourtney Kardashian’s new kid didn’t pop out wearing a Jonathan Quick jersey.

But then there are the celebrities who actually have a vested interest in the Kings’ success, like our beloved Chosen Daughter, Paulina Gretzky. Sure, even if her pops hadn’t ever played for the Kings, I wouldn’t give a crap if she was posting pictures of her snorting coke out of Lord Stanley’s bowl, because I give special people free passes. Either way, Paulina got to party with the Cup this week with a bunch of dude bros, who could be players but I don’t care.

The Stanley Cup has never looked better.

And to show I’m partial to our female readers, here’s David Beckham with the Cup, too.

(Becks via)