Jimmy Kimmel Talks Vaccines Again, Reads Mean Tweets From Outraged Viewers

Last week, Jimmy Kimmel and a bunch of doctors did a public service announcement about vaccinating your damn kids, and now he returns — without apologies — to tackle the subject again. Kimmel has an especially good reason to be concerned: His infant daughter was too young to be vaccinated until just recently, and several rich neighborhoods in LA have vaccination rates as low as South Sudan. If having unvaccinated people in close proximity to an infant doesn’t sound like a big deal, read about Dana McCaffery sometime. Then vaccinate your damn kids.

Okay, enough of my ranting. I’ve already gone off about this topic many, many, many times. Check out the video above to see Kimmel read some of the hate mail he got about last week’s segment regarding this “hot button topic that shouldn’t be a hot button topic,” and we also meet Jack and Becky, the anti-vaccination street team.

We’ll leave you with our favorite quote from the segment: “If you genuinely believe that 99 percent of doctors in this country are dishonest, you need to see a doctor, ironically.”