Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye Confirmed For ‘Captain America: Civil War’

Captain America: Civil War starts filming in Atlanta, Georgia, next month according to a revealing casting call, and now we know whether or not Hawkeye will make it to the party. (“You know what an argument between Captain America and Iron Man really needs? A guy who’s good at archery,” said nobody.)

National Lampoon’s Senior Trip star Jeremy Renner will indeed have a role in Civil War, says THR. They dropped the news as an afterthought in an article about Renner co-starring with Amy Adams in sci-fi drama Story of Your Life.

We’re not completely sure which side of the GIF / JIF debate Hawkeye will fall on, but we’ll be surprised if this casting — combined with rumors of Chris Evans’ contract being nearly finished — doesn’t spur specious rumors about Hawkeye wearing Captain America’s uniform and patrolling with Tony Stark. But we doubt they’ll go New Avengers with this. We’re more inclined to believe Captain America: Civil War will look a bit like this fan-made mashup trailer, which includes Hawkeye and fan-casted Dylan O’Brien as Spider-Man.

Via THR and Alex Luthor