Kevin Bacon Is Starring In A New Commercial About Eggs, Naturally

Kevin Bacon is starring in a new ad campaign promoting the nutritional value of eggs. Because, hey, nobody knows eggs better than Bacon! And according AdWeek, the actor released a statement celebrating his fandom of the breakfast food:

“With a last name like Bacon, I’m the obvious choice, and I’m excited to be a part of the new Incredible Edible Egg campaign,” Bacon says in a statement. “I like the creativity behind the idea, and I’ve always been a big fan of eggs. They’re a nutritional powerhouse and I never get tired of them because there are so many ways you can eat them.”

Here’s the print ad:

Now all we need is a celebrity ad campaign focused solely on the nutritional fortitude of bacon starring Ron Swanson. Let’s get on that, Hollywood.

(Source: AdWeek)