Rumor: J.J. Abrams Is The Frontrunner To Direct ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’

Nine months from now, all of us will be sitting in a movie theater, salivating over the return of the Star Wars franchise in J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens. A year after that, we’ll marvel again at the George Lucas creative universe with Gareth Edwards’ Rogue One. The following May, we’ll do it once more at Rian Johnson’s Episode VIII. However, when it comes to the creative team, who’s being looked at for the director’s chair of Episode IX, which will complete the “sequel trilogy” that’s about to begin?

It could be J.J. Abrams, according to Latino Review:

Despite his absence from the production team on the next installments, his commitment to other ongoing franchises and early rumors of disagreements between him and the Disney Team, there’s a good chance that J.J. Abrams will be back to direct Star Wars: Episode IX.

The report goes on to say:

There are enough conversations about J.J. Abrams returning to direct Episode IX that we’ve been able to independently verify it four times that his name is the front-runner for the last trilogy installment and the movie isn’t due until 2019…

Abrams impressed many with the first teaser trailer released this past winter, so it’s not shocking that Disney wants to keep the man on board. It also seems likely that Abrams was left out of the conversation of Episode VIII so he would have the time he needs to recoup after developing, shooting, and editing The Force Awakens. As far as director choices go for Episode IX, this sounds like a winner.

Source: Latino Review