The Best Moments And Most Repeatable Lines From This Week’s Shrinky Dink ‘Archer’

Part I of the Archer season finale had the agents and drones shrinking down and going inside a human body. That’s one way to match space and the sea.

It was something that Krieger’s been dreaming up for a while now.

However, the gang was under-prepared…

… no matter what TV’s Michael Gray and Dr. Sklodowska (Carrie Brownstein) do about it.

Ray was still not comfortable with his hand.

Lana was worried about the success of the mission…

… as well as what might happen to A.J.

Anyway, the shrinking went down without a hitch, albeit with gravity still intact.

Though Krieger didn’t make it aboard…

… which led to one hitch.

As for the vessel:

But that didn’t stop Krieger from bringing up a good point.

And so we’ll have to wait til next week to see how this plays out.