Here’s Chad Coleman From ‘The Walking Dead’ Going On A Tirade While Riding The New York Subway

TMZ posted the clip above showing The Walking Dead’s Chad L. Coleman yelling and screaming at passengers while riding the New York subway. The outburst was reportedly in response to a couple attempting to figure out out where they had seen Coleman, saying “No, we don’t know that n*****” and setting the actor off to defend himself.

As you can see in the video, Coleman made it clear that he was an actor several times, bringing up his roles in The Walking Dead and The Wire throughout. He also added in some references to the current situation in Baltimore during the rant and made sure to tell TMZ that he was sober during the train ride.

I like that after all of the shouting and drama, things calm down a little near the end of the video and the guy filming still takes a moment to talk about how much he loves The Wire with Coleman.

(Via TMZ)