The New ‘Walking Dead’ Spin-Off Drew Inspiration From A News Story About Bath Salts

The creative process used to make our favorite TV programs is certainly an interesting one. A vast imagination and artistic vision are a must. According to Fear the Walking Dead show producer Greg Nicotero, just watching the evening news is all the inspiration he needs to create a storyline.

AMC’s new The Walking Dead spin-off, that will debut this summer, has heavy influence from headlines of the past few years. Nicotero said that the shocking bath salt “zombie attack” news story of 2012 played a role in writing the new show:

“What’s important in the spin-off is how people react to it. It really is a fascinating statement on current society, because we get most of our information from our iPads and our phones. There have been things that have been happening in recent years… When you hear stories like that, about a guy who attacked someone and bit their face off, imagine how we reacted to that news story at the time.”

Nicotero also cited the recent Ebola virus outbreak, and how that may play into the character’s psyche in Fear the Walking Dead:

“Even in the U.S., there was a nurse who was working in Africa and who came back to the United States and refused to go into quarantine for Ebola. So I think about stories like that and I go: ‘Wow, maybe that could have been the beginning, or maybe this could have been the beginning.’ In a TV show like Fear the Walking Dead, you get to ask those same questions.”

The real world is definitely an insane place, so we can all be certain that our favorite shows will have fresh material for years to come.

(Via Inquisitr)