Orlando Solar Bears Back-up Goalie Goes Full ‘Glee’ On Opposing Fans

I’ve seen a lot of bad sportsmanship in my day, but nothing that gave a black eye to Zombie Nation’s ‘Kernkraft 400’. At least, not until today.

After losing to the Gwinnett Gladiators on November 1, 2012, the backup goalie shows us the teams true colors by throwing Gatorade on the Gladiators fans. Stay Classy Orlando.

Of course, the liquid being thrown around looks a lot like water, but that’s been addressed via a well-placed conversation in the video’s comments section:

Looks like water to me.

That’s what we thought it was at first, but water doesn’t burn when it hits your eyes.

So what’s the proper response to that? “Stay classy, guys who are trying to escalate a water splashing into assault”?

Video of the VICIOUS GATORADING is below.

I wanted to ask Orlando local and With Leather star Ashley Burns about his experiences with the Orlando Solar Bears, but I’m not sure Orlando knows they have a hockey team. They barely know about their basketball team. All I know is that if I’m the Solar Bears back-up goalie, I’m loading my squeeze bottle with battery acid and spread-gunning that shit across the next row of annoying dudes in gladiator costumes I see. It’s one thing to be a bad sport, and another to pretend like the bad sportsmanship was worse than it was … and it’s the worst to go to the Internet with it for sympathy.

He’s probably just mad because he plays for something called the “Orlando Sun Bears”.

[H/T to Puck Daddy]