Betsy Brandt Just Tweeted Proof That Bryan Cranston Will Never Escape His ‘Breaking Bad’ Image

Betsy Brandt made no secret of her sadness with the end of Breaking Bad. She famously gushed to Entertainment Weekly about “sweet” Bryan Cranston, who was not only a co-star, but “a great man and a great friend.” Betsy left the intense drama with an ultra cushy sitcom role waiting in the wings, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss her old pal. Or at least, that’s the vibe one gathers when witnessing her latest tweet.

Yes, Bryan Cranston is the one who woks. Nice hat, bitch.

All joking aside, meth is indeed a rising problem in China’s heartland. A figurative counterpart to Cranston’s Heisenberg exists, and his nickname is “Professor Xu.” Brandt’s tweeted image proves that, no matter where Cranston walks, his Breaking Bad reputation shall follow him everywhere.