Every Episode Of ‘Seinfeld’ Will Be Available On Hulu Beginning June 24


The summer lull in television is rapidly approaching. Most of the network shows have wrapped up their seasons, Mad Men is over for good, and Game of Thrones is already halfway through its run for the year. That makes the timing of this news pretty much ideal: The entire series run of Seinfeld, all 180 episodes, will be available on Hulu’s streaming service beginning June 24. We knew it was coming, but we now have a date. Circle it on your calendars. I mean, if you still use a real, physical calendar. Don’t draw a circle on your phone’s screen. You’ll look ridiculous trying to explain it to people.

Anyway, if you were wondering what my favorite part of all this is, besides the ability to watch Bookman the Library Cop skewer Jerry over and over and over, it’s probably the description Hulu provided with the press release.

Synopsis: Jerry Seinfeld stars as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life’s most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as “a show about nothing,” Seinfeld mines the humor in life’s mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating.

Yeah, Hulu. We all know what Seinfeld is.