The Internet’s Best Reactions To Shia LaBeouf’s Motivational Video

Everyone’s favorite child star (and actual cannibal) Shia LaBeouf is an internet meme again with a green screen and three words: “Just Do It.”

The original video was a project by students at Central Saint Martins BA Fine Arts program titled #Introductions. They filmed a series of short segments with LaBeouf standing in front of a green screen. He talks about falling in love on the internet, erotic paintings of women in motorcycle helmets, and samurai swords. The most memorable segment, though, is LaBeouf motivating his audience to “just do it” and make their “dreams a reality:”

“Do it! Just do it! Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday, you said tomorrow, so just do it! Make your dreams come true! Just do it! Some people dream of success while you’re going to wake up and work hard at it. Nothing is impossible! You should get to the point where anyone else would quit, and you’re not going to stop there! No! What are you waiting for? Do it! Just do it! Yes, you can! Just do it! If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.”

LaBeouf yelling in front of a green screen is too good for the internet to resist, and there’s already a whole Subreddit dedicated to “MotivaShian,” and his speech has been turned into a fake TED Talk:

Motivational Shia LaBeouf is surprisingly versatile. Here is Shia as a Jedi Master Shiawalker:

Negotiating with HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey:

Getting Rocky Balboa back on his feet in the ring:

Taunting Brad Pitt in Se7en:

On his public access show:

Motivating Jesse Pinkman in one of Breaking Bad‘s most painfully sad scenes:

Cheering on Oberyn Martell and then sharing in everyone’s collective frustration when he doesn’t “just do it:”

Hanging out on some guy’s balcony, again. No one knows how he keeps getting up there, including Shia, but the guy is really calling the cops this time: