Colin Trevorrow Got The ‘Jurassic World’ Directing Gig Because He’s A Fan

With a mere 10 days to go before the film’s release, the Jurassic World marketing machine is kicking into high gear with TV spots, clips, and featurettes. Even NBC networks will be airing Jurassic Park this weekend to stir up interest before June 12. But aside from all of these, the latest behind-the-scenes look at the film introduces audiences to Safety Not Guaranteed director Colin Trevorrow, the man behind the camera.

Two immediate takeaways from the above video:

  1. The animatronic dinos look pretty damn awesome. Too bad their use (most likely) pales in comparison to all the CGI.
  2. If everyone’s accolades are to be believed, Trevorrow got the job because “he’s a fan.”

Steven Spielberg, Bryce Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt — they all talk about Trevorrow’s fandom for the first Jurassic Park film, and boast it like a badge of pride. “Yeah, we all watched it, and so did our director, so you know it’ll be good.” Right, okay.

Meanwhile, here’s another clip featuring Howard and Pratt’s characters bantering back and forth with one another via Shakespearean wit and wisdom:

(Via Universal Pictures)