Kobe Bryant’s Shooting Problems Were Set To ‘NBA Jam’

The Cauldron comes up with some great stuff, but this latest video setting Kobe Bryant’s shooting woes to NBA Jam is straight-up savage. I can’t tell you how many countless nights at 2 a.m. as a child I bonded with such phrases as “Boomshakalaka!” “He’s on fire!” and “The nail in the coffin!” so this strikes a nostalgic chord.

Of course, this is the opposite of being on fire, but the proverbial nail is practically in the coffin. Bryant has struggled shooting the ball in this early 2015-16 NBA season and he’ll be the first to admit it — and then tell you more about how bad it’s been. Bryant himself said he “freaking sucks” and called himself the “200th best player in the league right now.”

Bryant’s been harder on himself than anyone, so much so that Lakers coach Byron Scott forced Bryant to take a mental health day after his shooting ills over the weekend. Bryant has always been hard on his teammates, so it only makes sense he’s equally hard on himself. Ultimately, though, Father Time is an unavoidable and worthy opponent and there’s little Kobe can do about it.

However, the rest of us can laugh quietly (or openly) at a slick video game reference.