Anthony Davis Created An Amazing Craigslist Ad To Find A Personal Assistant (Unibrows Are Preferred)

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You’d think that a multi-millionaire NBA player would have other avenues for finding a personal assistant, but some habits obviously die hard. continues to be one of the best resources for tracking down what you need (savory and otherwise), so Pelicans star Anthony Davis decided he’d post an ad on the site for a personal assistant. You can see the entire post here, but below is the text of his requirements:

Looking for someone to help me out so I can focus on getting ready for the season.

Job duties include:

Dry cleaning runs
Meeting with fans and doing media interviews
Some ball skills preferred, but not required
Able to move around town and keep a low profile
Preferably 6′ 5″ or taller; good dresser
Unibrow or heavy eyebrows a plus. Please send photos.



Truly phenomenal. Good luck finding a 6-foot-5 individual with heavy eyebrows who can keep a low profile while simultaneously accompanying a 7-foot local hero around town, but that’s neither here nor there. There’s much work to be done before the season gets underway next week, and Davis clearly has a lot on his plate, so let’s see if we can help him get his affairs in order so he can focus on taking his game to the next level.
