Earlier this week, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders announced his decision to seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States during the 2020 election. As such, that means Sanders — like all 16,738 other people seeking the party’s nomination — will do whatever he can to appeal to voters between now and the various primaries that will take place in the lead-up to the Democratic National Convention next July.
All this stuff is going to be overanalyzed to hell and back by people who, like, want to know if Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren or Sanders is fit to be president based on the condiments they put on a burger, which is not a joke, because Barack Obama putting dijon mustard on a burger in 2009 was A Thing (which, albeit, was after he was elected) and oh my god was it dumb.
Anyway, I do not work in politics, but I do like to think I understand basketball, so if Sanders was smart, he would consider putting this extremely good video, made by Vermont Law School Student Bar Association president Kyle Clauss, everywhere.
Sanders, as we saw during the 2016 cycle, enjoys playing basketball. Well, he doesn’t enjoy that as much as he likes being handed a basketball and shooting bank shots from the right block, which is fine, but I want to see him check people 94 feet. It’s a packed field seeking the 2020 nomination, and anything can be used against a person, like learning that they’re not actually that good at basketball.
As an aside, the And1 Mixtape Tour needs to make a gigantic comeback. Someone should make this a major campaign issue and have The Professor run comms on it. This is very important.