Doc Rivers Told The Clippers To ‘Stop F*cking Flopping’ At Halftime Of Their Game 7 Loss

doc rivers yelling
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There are lots of reasons for the Clippers to feel down after their collapse in the Western Conference Semifinals against the Houston Rockets. Everyone in the organization stands to catch heat for this debacle. It’s no fun, unless you’re a Clippers hater. If you are, then ESPN’s Arash Markazi gave you some quality hate fuel at halftime during Game 7:

It’s pretty amazing that if Doc thought this was a problem, he waited until Game 7 of the second round of the playoffs to mention it to his team. After Glen Davis was fined $5,000 during Game 3 of the series, Doc didn’t seem to have as much of a problem, so long as it escaped the notice of the refs.

“I don’t care; as long as we get away with it, I’m fine,” Doc said on Saturday. “I want them to catch Corey [Brewer] every time he does it. There’s been some [flopping in this series]. No doubt.”

Still, it seems that most of the immediate reaction to the Clippers’ series loss has been serious consideration of what it means in context and for the future of the team. That’s welcome. But we couldn’t let them go into the offseason without one more jab at their floppy ways. It’s Doc’s fault for bringing it up anyway.

(@ArashMarkazi; ESPN)