Doc Rivers is 53. And while 53 is the new 33, that doesn’t mean Rivers knows a darn thing about these whachamacallit memes and emojis that you type into your mePhone or whatever it is you call it. FaceSpace…Tweeter…whatever.
You see, during the whole DeAndre Jordan free agency saga this summer, NBA Twitter went absolutely bananas with emojis. It started when Chris Paul, J.J. Redick and Blake Griffin began tweeting travel emojis indicating they were headed to see Jordan at his Texas home and he was probably backing out of his verbal agreement with the Dallas Mavericks and staying with the Clippers. And because this is the internet, everyone joined in, including Paul Pierce, who tweeted out clip art instead of an emoji.
(For reference, here are all the NBA-related emojis you could ever ask for.)
Anyway, this was all apparently lost on Rivers, who explained to Chris Forsberg of ESPN.com that he had no idea what was going on.
So it was a hard one for him [Jordan]. That whole [flip-flop] day was comical. It was hilarious because it was portrayed as one thing, but it was so not that. But it was funny as hell. We’re sitting there laughing because we’re all over his house watching TV. And every time one of those stupid little memes, whatever they call them — yeah, emojis. I felt like Paul [Pierce], with the rocketship, I didn’t even get that. Like, why was that so funny? And they were like, that’s not it at all. They told me.
Ultimately, the only thing that matters is Jordan is with the Clippers going forward…and that all future earnings will be in smily faces. Or overly-attached ex-girlfriend memes. Either one.
(Via ESPN.com)