Floyd Mayweather Makes More On Two NBA Bets Than Most Make In A Year

Floyd Mayweather
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Floyd Mayweather, famed boxing legend turned, expert NBA gambler likely just made the two greatest sports best of the year. We knew he sat court side for a majority of the league’s marquee games, but had no idea he knew the game quite this well.

The undefeated champion bet a whopping $170,000 on the Golden State Warriors winning Game 6 of the Western Conference Finals. Remember when the Warriors went down 3-1 against Oklahoma City and no one believed they’d come back from that deficit? Remember when basically every NBA pundit and their grandmother said Golden State was out? When no one believed they could win that Game 6 on the road? Yeah, back then is when Money Mayweather decided to throw down and ultimately turn his bet into winnings of $221,00.


That’s the moment when you say, thank you gambling Gods, goodnight. But no, Floyd was feeling lucky. So when Game 1 of the NBA Finals rolled around he made another bet – that Golden State would lead at the half, and he obviously won that, too.


Looks like Floyd Mayweather is a champion among many fields.