GIF: Heat’s James Ennis Avoids Defender For Sick Double-Pump Dunk

Consider this James Ennis’ latest submission for the 2015 dunk contest. Watch the Miami Heat high-flier leak out in transition against the Brooklyn Nets and dip under a defender to make a sick double-pump dunk look remarkably easy.

This isn’t half as common an outcome as Ennis makes it look. Not only is he near a sprint upon leaping, but he also manages to avoid Alan Anderson’s swipe at the ball while contorting in mid-air. Just imagine what the 6-7 Ennis could do with that type of body control in a dunk contest format.

And if tonight’s slam isn’t impressive enough for you, consider his this facial from the season-opener:

Yeah. We need to see Ennis in New York City come mid-February.

What do you think?

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