Harrison Barnes Will Reportedly Sign A Max-Level Offer Sheet With The Mavericks

Harrison Barnes will be getting his maximum contract. His future with the Golden State Warriors, though, seems to be completely out of his control.

Marc Stein of ESPN reports that Barnes intends to sign a four-year, max-level offer sheet with the Dallas Mavericks once league business officially begins on July 7.

Confirming reports from before free agency, Stein also notes that the Warriors have every intention of matching the Mavericks’ deal with Barnes if Kevin Durant elects against making the Bay Area his new home.

Durant, who’s already conducted his meeting with Golden State and is nearly finished being wined and dined by hopeful suitors, is expected to make a decision on his playing future before he begins a promotional tour in Asia on July 9.

Barnes came under scrutiny last fall for turning down the Warriors’ offer a four-year, $64 million extension. He didn’t justify that decision with his play for the duration of the 2015-16 season, but especially in the NBA Finals when he shot 5-of-32 over the decisive three games of the series. No matter, though. The 23 year old’s youth and two-way versatility make him a perfect complementary forward for the modern NBA, and the $94 million salary cap always ensured he’d make more this summer than he would have if he inked an extension in October.

Regardless of his performance last season, Barnes clearly made the right decision by testing restricted free agency. And while it’s still unclear whether he’ll be playing with the Mavericks or Warriors going forward, what’s now certain is that he’ll be making max-level money doing it.