The Most Hysterical Streetball Video We’ve Seen In a While

This video appears to feature just another lazy weekend where some guys were getting some run in on the courts in Brooklyn. Except one baller was noticeably more pale and schlubby than the others and was, almost certainly, a throw-in so one team had enough teammates to match the other. But that same guy started raining three-pointers and things dissolved into hilarity from there.

His form is terrible, and on a couple shots he banks the ball in from beyond the arc — whether he meant to do so is still in question — but for a brief few moments, he catches fire. Watch as his defender gets angrier and angrier as the guy keeps sinking three-pointers even after the defender starts challenging him.

Never judge a book by its cover, even when that cover appears as an unathletic guy with terrible form on his shot. He might just run the table on you.

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