John Wall Absolutely Embarrassed Comedian Lil Duval At Ludacris’ Celebrity Game

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John Wall is easily one of the best point guards in the NBA, and if you ask him, he won’t hesitate to tell you he’s all-around best. He also has absolutely no mercy for anyone who tries to step up and guard him, no matter the circumstances. Just look at what he did to some poor defender earlier this summer at the Miami Pro League.

Still, people never learn. So at Ludacris’ annual celebrity game in Atlanta over the weekend when local comedian Lil Duval tried to check him, Wall did what he does best, which was steal his soul in front of a packed gym.

After getting him leaning with a quick dribble move, Wall stopped on a dime and put it between his legs, which sent the hapless comedian sailing to the floor and the crowd into a frenzy. And just for good measure, Wall finished off the play with a nasty left-handed tomahawk jam.

Lil Duval had a pretty good sense of humor about it afterward, though. Here’s the message he Tweeted out to fans after the video started going viral.

Heck, even Kevin Durant weighed in:

It’s a good thing comedians have to have thick skins. Otherwise, one might never recover from something as embarrassing as this.