The Pelicans Brought Back King Cake Baby To Scare The Hell Out Of Everyone

It’s nearly Mardi Gras, which means one thing in New Orleans — the return of King Cake Baby, the Pelicans mascot designed to strike fear and terror into the hearts of all who cross him.

King Cake Baby made an appearance at a local grocery story this week to take pictures with fans and, as you see in the above video, attempted to give an old woman a heart attack. She’s a stronger person than I, because I would have either ran screaming or punched KCB in the face.

Why is this a mascot for a basketball team named for Pelicans? In New Orleans, King Cake is a tradition, one that includes baking a tiny baby inside the cake. That last sentence is completely insane, but it’s true and why the team employs a man who dresses like this in late-January and early-February every year.

King Cake Baby is just one of two Pelicans mascots that will give you night terrors. The team used to have a scary Pelican as a mascot.

But the Pelicans deemed it too scary and switched to something softer.

Marketing is odd, because everything you just read means someone felt a plush Pelican needed to be made less scary yet also felt it would be a good idea to have a 6-foot baby in a giant crown pounce on unsuspecting elderly people.

(Via For The Win)