As we enter the final stretch of the election season (and the beginning of the NBA season), the country’s collective eyes are on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s bid for the White House, as well as Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Now, Lebron is using his star power in addition to his philanthropic deeds to support Hillary Clinton.
In an op-ed for Business Insider, Lebron explained why his past and coming back to Cleveland directly translates to supporting Clinton.
As a kid, I didn’t have much money. It was just my mom and me, and things were rough at times. But I had basketball. That gave me a family, a community, and an education. That’s more than a lot of children in Akron can say. There are a lot of people who want to tell kids who grew up like me and looked like me that they just don’t have anything to look forward to.
That’s dead wrong. And that’s why I came back to Cleveland to continue my second mission. I am determined to make sure my kids in Akron have what they need to become their best selves. Opportunities, a support system, and a safety net for kids in poverty or kids in single-parent households shouldn’t be limited to those lucky enough to be blessed with athletic talent.
When I look at this year’s presidential race, it’s clear which candidate believes the same thing. Only one person running truly understands the struggles of an Akron child born into poverty. And when I think about the kinds of policies and ideas the kids in my foundation need from our government, the choice is clear.
That candidate is Hillary Clinton.
This is only a small snippet of James’ lengthy endorsement, and every bit of it is worth the read.
(Via Business Insider)