Boom. In the span of just a few weeks, Jason Kidd went from playing in the NBA Playoffs to emerging out of nowhere as candidate for the Brooklyn Nets head coaching vacancy to officially being named the team’s next head coach just minutes ago.
In statement, Kidd had this to say:
“This is a tremendous opportunity to be named head coach of the Brooklyn Nets, and it’s a role I have been studying for over the course of my playing days. Championship teams are built on being prepared, playing unselfishly and being held accountable, and that’s how I expect to coach this basketball team. I am truly excited about this next phase of my basketball career.”
The move was clearly made with the blessing of Kidd’s friend Deron Williams. D-Will tweeted right after the announcement, “Excited to get to work under our new head coach @RealJasonKidd great leader and great basketball mind will be a great head coach #BROOKLYN.”
Good move by the Nets?
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