Shaq Gave Jason Terry $2,000 For His Charity To Do The Choco Challenge

Via NBA on TNT

Last year, it was the #OneChipChallenge. Brave souls all over the internet filmed themselves trying out a single Carolina Reaper pepper-coated chip, and even the Inside the NBA crew got in on the fun as Shaq boldly went for it on air and almost immediately regretted his decision.

This year, there’s something called the Choco Challenge, made by the people at Fuego Box, who claim the piece of chocolate infused with the black reaper pepper is the world’s hottest chocolate bar. But don’t worry, it’s all for a good cause, as some of the proceeds will go to fight prostate cancer.

It didn’t take long for the Inside the NBA gang to catch wind of this one as well, and on Thursday night, instead of making the same mistake twice, Shaq decided to cajole others into taking the challenge. He first gave a camera man $2,000 to eat one on air, then pledged another $2,000 to Jason Terry’s charity for him to give it a go. See for yourself how well they fared below.

Terry appeared to try and cheat almost as soon as the heat hit his mouth by feigning drinking water and spitting out the chocolate into the cup. There was no word on whether Shaq would rescind his initial pledge because of it, but we’re assuming even if he did get rid of the chocolate, there was probably plenty of lingering heat to deal with.