Steph Curry Claimed NASA Never Landed On The Moon On A Podcast

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Conspiracy theories exist because, well, if you don’t believe in any you assume the government is batting 1.000 and everyone is telling the truth about everything. Sometimes it’s fun to talk about your favorite conspiracies, but sometimes you just have to believe in science and know that some things happen.

In the last year or so some NBA players have gotten into public trouble by speaking out about conspiracy theories. Kyrie Irving is perhaps the most famous example — his All-Star Weekend declaration that the earth is not round launched more than a year of talk about the issue, with him doubling down and then deciding it was a thought experiment and then finally apologizing to the science teachers whose jobs he made a lot more difficult if their students are basketball fans.

But some conspiracies are just silly, such as the idea that NASA faked the moon landing in 1969 when Apollo 11 left earth and landed in the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon. Mankind has reached the moon just a few times, but it all definitely happened. Not, apparently, according to Steph Curry. The Golden State Warriors star claimed recently on a podcast that man has never reached the moon.

The comments came on a new Ringer podcast — Winging It — hosted by Vince Carter and Kent Bazemore. The second episode had Curry and Andre Igoudala on to talk about Steph’s dad and, apparently, that the greatest achievement in all of human history apparently never happened.

According to NBC Sports, the topic came up and Curry was even asked to clarify his comments about the issue.

The Warriors star appeared on “Winging It” with Vince Carter, Kent Bazemore and Andre Iguodala. The conversation:

Curry: “We ever been to the moon?
Multiple responders: “Nope.”
Curry: “They’re gonna come get us. I don’t think so, either.”

Podcast co-host Annie Finberg asked whether Curry actually believed that. He responded affirmatively.

This could absolutely be Steph trying to say something wild on a podcast to give it some attention. And it was a lighthearted moment on a podcast, not a serious discussion about how thousands of scientists pulled off the greatest hoax of all time. But still, we have to take Curry at his word unless he says otherwise: one of the best players in the NBA thinks the Apollo program was all for naught.

There’s also the point hidden in there that Curry definitely believes in aliens, who will “come get us,” but that seems less important given the scale of what Curry is implying. There are days worth of mission logs NASA has kept from these things. Uninterrupted video feeds of the actual moon landing that would have literally been more difficult to fake than it would have been just to, you know, figure out a way to get to the moon. It’s fun to talk about how it’s all fake, but logistically there are a lot of ways to prove that it actually did happen.

It’s also a good time to show what happens to moon landing truthers when they mess with the people who, you know, actually landed on the dang moon.

Steph will probably address this at some point and either let us in on the joke or apologize for besmirching the good name of Neil Armstrong. Either way, it looks like it’s “the world is flat” all over again in the Association.