Video: Is This A New Kevin Durant Move?

After recently re-signing with Nike, Thunder forward Kevin Durant has a tall order in store for him going into the 2014-15 NBA season. He’ll be attempting to improve on a 2013-14 campaign that saw him capture his first MVP award. Perhaps that’s why he’s working on expanding his offensive arsenal…

There’s no way this is becoming a go-to move next season, or anything but an interesting drill he performed while training.

He receives the pass, takes a dribble, then puts the ball around his back while side-stepping before taking a jumper. It looks more like a drill designed to improve his concentration on the jumper, no matter where the ball is located. It could prove effective if a player reaches for the ball down low, but we doubt we’ll see this bit of ball trickery at all from KD next year.

(GIF via @JDonSports)

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