We finally got here. After what seemed like weeks of back-and-forth in the press and various sources both assuring Knicks fans it was happening while others told them it wasn’t, Phil Jackson was formally introduced as the Knicks “president” today in a press conference that was so many different things, we couldn’t keep up with the jokes on Twitter. Watch James Dolan‘s awkwardness, Phil’s from-the-hip remarks, the Q&A session with media and Steve Mills‘ seeming relief that he’s still, technically, their general manager.
Listing the various things that transpired in the presser would take another thousand words, but Seth Rosenthal at Posting and Toasting does a good job sifting through some of Phil’s more important quotes as well as Dolan’s cringeworthy pre-written statement before introducing the man of the hour, Steve Mills Phil Jackson.
To celebrate Phil’s return to the Big Apple (he said he would occasionally fly back to LA for family matters, but would in fact live in NYC), the NBA even offered a look back Phil’s playing career for the Knicks.
It’s still cold in New York, as Jackson remarked upon in his extended Q&A, and Frank Isola of the New York Daily News, still isn’t being allowed to ask questions, but maybe things are turning around for a once-proud franchise. There’s still a big ‘we’ll see’ underlining the team’s future though, and if there’s anyone that understands New Yorker’s reluctance to celebrate just yet, it’s Jackson.
(video via MSGOnline; H/T Posting and Toasting)
How is Phil gonna do?
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