My Old Man stands 6-6, and he used to crush me on our backyard driveway every time we played one-on-one. Then, one day, I finally beat him, but I’m not sure the years of losing were worth the fleeting moment of victory because he couldn’t even dunk at the end. We’re not so sure that’s what’s happening in this recent video.
We don’t know the relations between this grown man and the little kid he’s toying with during their one-on-one match. Even while our Old Man whooped my butt whenever we played, he didn’t go out of his way to embarrass me like this guy is doing. Plus, he’s my Pops, so he’s allowed to mess with me for all the hell I put him through growing up.
We’re about shooting jumpers, not guns, but this kid shoulda kicked his refrigerator-sized opponent in the gonads.
(video via YouTube user: Dietreich Rios; H/T BroBible)
Fair or foul?
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