Simon Pegg Revealed Great News About Robin Williams’ Work In ‘Absolutely Anything’

Absolutely Anything is a sci-fi comedy starring Simon Pegg, Robin Williams, and five members of Monty Python. Pegg plays a teacher who discovers he has magical powers. Williams voiced Pegg’s dog, Dennis, and the members of Monty Python appear as aliens.

The film is still in post-production, and it was rumored that Williams hadn’t finished recording his voice work before his death and might be cut from the film and replaced by another actor. We didn’t report the rumor at the time because it appeared it was solely based on Simon Pegg admitting he didn’t know if Williams had finished recording. An actor not knowing another actor’s schedule isn’t unusual.

Thankfully, Pegg has since heard good news and relayed it in an interview I listened to during Friday’s episode of The Sam Roberts Show on SiriusXM Talk (XM 103/Sirius 206), and yes, I just admitted listening to obscure satellite talk radio shows. I regret nothing.

Pegg referred to Williams as “someone I idolized as a kid” and “an absolute superstar and a incredible force of nature”. He then addressed the depressing rumors of a re-casting:

“He will be doing the voice of my dog, Dennis. Hilariously. I’m glad that he completed his work. That sounds a bit selfish, you know, but I’m glad that he did because it means that– you know, he’s going to live forever because his body of work is enormous and he’s beloved, and it’s nice to be part of that.” [Transcribed by UPROXX]

Besides expressing gratitude for being in the same movie as Robin Williams, Simon Pegg also had something poignant to say about empathy, materialism, and depression.

“[This is] a timely reminder, I think, that fame and money have no bearing on a person’s happiness. People see that as a way of getting happiness. It might make it easier to anesthetize your discomfort or upset, but it can’t save you. It’s a reminder that depression affects everybody. Everybody.” [Transcribed by UPROXX]

Oof. Suddenly I’m feeling a bit tired.