Six Seasons And A Movie? The ‘Underworld’ Reboot Is Now Two Movies And A TV Show.

At New York Comic-Con this weekend, Roth Cornet of IGN interviewed Sleepy Hollow executive producers Mark Goffman and Len Wiseman, the latter of whom was also the director of Underworld and somehow got to marry Kate Beckinsale. When asked about that Underworld reboot currently being written by the Priest screenwriter, Len Wiseman explained there are three different Underworld projects in development. What hast thou wrought, overseas ticket buyers?

Wiseman confirmed (video below) that the reboot is in development, saying that it’s a spin-off in the vein of Rise Of The Lycans. CBM says it’s going to feature Theo James returning as the David character from Underworld: Awakening, but that isn’t confirmed, as Wiseman says in the video that many of the news stories about the reboot are false. He adds there’s one more Underworld movie also in development which stars Kate Beckinsale. On top of all that, a TV series is being kicked around.

As much as I want more female-led action movies, I’m rooting for the TV series the hardest, solely for the amusement value of all the people confusedly watching a British crime dramedy on Netflix, waiting for the vampires and werewolves to show up.

Via CBM and IGN