George R.R. Martin isn’t planning on attending this year’s San Diego Comic Con. First Marvel Studios skips the event and now this! GRRM has taken part in each Game Of Thrones Hall H panel in some capacity or another. He previously bowed out of writing an episode for the upcoming season, and according to a message Martin posted to LiveJournal, it’s because he’s just too damn busy.
I have too much to do. Too many things on my plate. Son of Kong foremost amongst them.
“Son of Kong” is a pet term GRRM uses when referencing his sixth A Song of Ice and Fire book The Winds Of Winter. Martin goes on to mention that San Diego Comic Con was never officially on his schedule…but….
Should I complete and deliver WINDS OF WINTER before these cons roll round, I reserve the right to change my mind.
It’s okay, fellow nerds. Mr. Martin still has plenty of time to reserve that right.
(H/T: EW / Not A Blog)