‘Jurassic World’ First Clip: Chris Pratt Respects The Raptors

Earlier today we heard MTV would be posting the first clip to Jurassic World sometime tonight, and that news was delivered in the best way possible: Chris Pratt singing his own made-up lyrics to the Jurassic Park theme. Now the clip has arrived.

Would you like to see Chris Pratt basically reprising Star-Lord while arguing about dinosaur ethics* and bad first dates with Bryce Dallas Howard and her impeccable ginger hair helmet? She’s trying to convince him to come work at the park because he can “control” the raptors, to which he snarks, “I don’t control the raptors; it’s a relationship. It’s based on mutual respect. That’s why you and I never had a second date.”

BURN. That’s a burn. Total mutually-respectful burn. Just look at all this mutual respect…


* Actually, it’s about ethics in dinosaur cloning.