Marvel Allegedly Offered Rachel McAdams A Role In ‘Doctor Strange’

rachel mcadams doctor strange rumor

When she’s not too busy smoking e-cigarettes and defending their integrity on True Detective, actress Rachel McAdams reportedly spends her time considering the female lead role in Marvel’s Doctor Strange. At least, that’s the word according to El Mayimbe over at Heroic Hollywood.

The rumor suggests McAdams was recently offered the unknown role, but offers no specifics about the role itself, or whether McAdams has taken it or not. So take this tidbit with a massive grain of salt, but don’t let it stop you from speculating about Scott Derrickson’s upcoming cinematic entry into Marvel’s supernatural realm.

Besides, with Tilda Swinton possibly playing the Ancient One in a bit of a gender-bending twist, the studio probably wants to find a strong female lead to accompany Benedict Cumberbatch’s Stephen Strange. Whoever the character is, hopefully she’s not another Marvel throwaway — something I’m sure McAdams wouldn’t let happen if the rumor turns out to be true.

(Via Heroic Hollywood)