A ‘Batman V Superman’ Cameo Leaked And Here’s An Explanation Of The First Clip

We already know Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will feature Wonder Woman and include cameos by Aquaman (Jason Momoa) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher). But that’s not the only Justice League cameo we can look forward to. Hey, it’s not subtitled “Dawn of Justice” for nothing.

Costume designer Michael Wilkinson revealed the cameo — as well as an explanation of that tense first clip — in an interview with Brazilian news site Omelete. Consider everything from here on out to be a bit spoilerish.

“I’m not really at the liberty to talk about The Flash right now, but it’s something that you’ll be seeing in the future in our films. You do get a glimpse of him, of course, in Batman V Superman. [… Ezra Miller is] an extraordinary performer, he has a sort of interesting sense of humor and the youth that will be great for Barry Allen and I think he’s going to make a great Flash.” (translated by We Got This Covered)

Is it wrong that I laughed when he said he’s not at liberty to talk about it, then talked about it? Anyway, there’s already a rumor going around that Flash will be seen only as a blur in Batman v Superman, as a hero who’s stopping a robbery.

Wilkinson also confirmed something that was probably apparent in that clip of Batman being unmasked by a very surly Superman: It was probably Bruce Wayne’s nightmare.

“It’s like a dream that Ben has, so we wanted to, it has almost a Mad Max quality to it where it’s like the end of the world, trying to survive and then of course Superman and his minions come, so it’s sort of a way of representing the amazing amounts of, the sort of obsessive quality that Bruce Wayne has about the threat of Superman.”

The outfit Batman was wearing was already rumored to be part of a nightmare sequence — an action figure based on the outfit was called “Knightmare Batman” when Warner showcased it at New York Comic Con. This doesn’t explain why those flying figures looked so much like Darkseid’s Parademons, though, and we could still argue for an interpretation that this dream wasn’t a nightmare, necessarily…

(Via Omelete, We Got This Covered, Screen Rant, Games Radar, and Clarkent)

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