‘Iron Fist’ Is Adding Another Marvel Martial Artist To The Cast

Hot on the heels of Finn Jones getting the nod to be Danny Rand, it looks like Marvel is looking to add even more of its ’70s heroes to the mix. In addition to Luke Cage, it’s rumored that Shang-Chi will be palling around with Danny.

Shang-Chi came about because Marvel wanted to do a licensed Kung-Fu comic, but were denied permission by the show’s producers. So instead, they invented Shang-Chi, a non-superpowered master of kung-fu who was, at first, the son of Fu Manchu. It was popular until the early ’80s, especially under writer Doug Moench and artist Paul Gulacy, who had a thing for inserting celebrities into the book under other names and giving the book a feeling of melding ’70s Shaw Brothers and the ’40s Golden Age of Hollywood. After his book was canceled, he’s reappeared off and on elsewhere, but never quite reached the heights of his ’70s heyday.

Currently the casting is only a rumor, but it seems likely this is true, and it comes from the same place that broke the story about Jones’ casting, which was later confirmed by Entertainment Weekly. But it does raise the question of where Marvel’s other notable ’70s secret agents Misty Knight and Colleen Wing might show up. It seems Marvel is leaning towards putting its ’70s stars, and Jessica Jones, on Netflix, so it’ll be interesting to see who else might turn up. Let’s just leave Rocket Racer in the past where he belongs, though. Not everything from the ’70s needs an update.

(via Comics Alliance)