Joss Whedon has made no secret of his struggles with Avengers: Age of Ultron. Studio edits, a tough shooting schedule and spearheading Marvel’s women as on-screen superheroes was a heroic effort in itself, and it took its toll. Whedon stepped away from blockbusters after the second Avengers wrapped to focus on smaller, more personal films. But, that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be enticed to return to the big-budget Marvel movies he holds so dear. It would just take a major shakeup to do it. As in, an all-female cast of superheroes.
When asked by The Wrap if he’d direct a female-focused Marvel movie, Whedon was clearly interested in the idea.
“Yeah, of course. Although I tend more towards the ‘Jessica Jones’-ey kind of stories than the delightful ‘Supergirl’ stories that my daughter wants.“
This isn’t a new perspective for the director. Whedon was instrumental in getting Captain Marvel on her way to the big-screen in her own movie slated for 2019 (she was almost in Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron), but that was undoubtedly a struggle until the zeitgeist shifted ever so gently. Who knows if the powers-that-be will be ready for an all-female cast in their Marvel movies, especially with the Ghostbusters backlash of ridiculousness.
It’s time to embrace women heroes on-screen while simultaneously working to get their champions off-screen to be female as well. A male writer/director of an all-female superhero movie seems like its only winning half the battle, as much as we appreciate what Joss Whedon is doing.
(Via The Wrap)