Tom Holland, The Man Who Would Be Spider-Man, Definitely Has Spidey’s Moves

tom holland
CarlaVanWagoner /

Marvel’s choice of actors for the next Spider-Man have fairly short careers, being as they’re all teenagers. So, we don’t know much about Tom Holland, but we do know the kid can move like Spidey, at least.

ComicBookMovie posted three recent videos from Holland’s Instagram showing off his tumbling skills, but it turns out that Holland’s got a pretty extensive collection of video showing off his abilities. For example:


To his credit, not all of his videos are quite so elegant. But Spidey needs a sense of humor, too. If Holland is cast, we can be safe in knowing that at least some of the time, that’s him behind the mask doing those flips. Now, how is he with improvised wisecracks?

(Via ComicBookMovie and @tomholland2013)