A black moon is what its called when the moon is invisible to the naked eye. It’s a very rare occurrence and the last time we saw one was two years ago. It hasn’t been quite that long since we’ve heard Andre 3000 break a track down and rebuild it in his own image, but its fitting that he pops up on the same day we’ll be treated to a rare celestial event.
Of course he makes it easy to forget $ilk Money is on the song. Typical Andre.
That’s not to say $ilk doesn’t do his thing. The force is strong with the Divine Council member but Padawans are often no match for Jedi masters and Dre is surgical at this point.
“Hold that bitch down like a gurney
Hypothermia, deep ocean journey
And something turning green
Warning, warning
I woke up in the morning
My clothes are torn, shred to pieces, purple pants Narnia
Hard to find even in California
I was hornier
Than Incredible Hulk in a federal coat
While the deputy spoke”
It’s reason #636 Andre is one of the greats–if not the greatest–and why his continued pump fakes for a solo are increasingly intolerable. The Love Below is fine. It’s got gems on it and he stretched his wings so it’s hard to find too much fault in it, but is it too much to ask for 13-16 tracks of this?
He moves to the beat of his own staccato drum and while that’s something to be appreciated in artist, it also means we potentially miss out on some dope material. 3000 has officially become Hip-Hop’s Superman. He spends a lot of his time masquerading as Clark Kent, out of sight and out of mind. Every once in a while though, he takes off the glasses, hops in the booth, and spins the world on its axis. What makes it really unfair–to channel Lex Luthor–is that he does it all on a whim.
There’s a lot of rhyme with little to no reason but we should all be thankful he does it and cherish these moments.
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