Curvy Teacher Criticized For Dressing Too Sexy Is Now Doing Club Appearances

Surprise, surprise! The curvy teacher who went mega viral in September following criticism for wearing tight clothes the Internet felt were “too sexy” for school has found a profitable side hustle: The club circuit.

Patrice Brown, known as #Teacherbae, is capitalizing on her sudden fame by doing club appearances in the south, starting with an appearance in her homestate of Alabama next week.

“BIRMINGHAM!!! Come out to see me Wednesday, Oct. 26th at Club SKKY to kick off the Magic City Classic week in the right fashion. Thanks,” the paraprofessional educator enthusiastically writes in the caption for a party flyer bearing her likeness.

Brown is sure to bring in some traffic to the club. Soon after going viral, the educator’s Instagram account swelled to 160,000 followers from a low five-digits. A month later and she’s now at 300,000. Incredible. Since all of those people surely weren’t flocking to her profile looking for lesson plans, it was just a matter of time before Teacher Bae had her booking info up.

The 28-year-old was reprimanded last month by school administrators after her controversial pictures were displayed all over the internet. Brown “given guidance on the use of social media and Georgia Code of Ethics for educators.” While she continually updates her once private Instagram page, Brown no longer posts pictures from the classroom, choosing to instead post her tight outfits of the day from home along with her “Teacher Bae” hashtag.