On Thursday, the final trailer for Deadpool 2 confirmed the identity of some of the mutants (and at least one non-mutant) in the X-Force. Fox also released the promo (first 30 seconds of the video above) showing Deadpool channeling John Cusack’s character from Say Anything to convince Colossus to join the team. Speaking of the team, the final trailer answered some (but not all) questions about who’s on the X-Force.
The final trailer confirmed two characters we expected: Shatterstar (played by Lewis Tan) and Bedlam (played by Terry Crews). We were way off on the character played by a mustachioed Rob Delaney. We assumed he was playing Bedlam’s buddy Peter Wisdom, but it turns out he’s a different 40-something “Peter W.” unless they’ve got some surprise reveal of mutant powers in store. In the trailer, the non-mutant Peter gets a slot on the X-Force just by showing up for a job interview after seeing an ad. This led to a funny stinger scene in the trailer where he’s seen skydiving into the action, plucky non-mutant that he is:

That can-do attitude has already made him some people’s favorite new character:
This is all I care about now #Peter @deadpoolmovie @VancityReynolds
— BossLogic (@Bosslogic) April 20, 2018
On Thursday afternoon, Ryan Reynolds revealed the character has his own Twitter account, @PeterW_1974, which is now one of only two people the Deadpool Twitter account follows (the other being — of course — Hello Kitty).
Thank you, Ryan. During our honeymoon, Susan and I savored your work in The Notebook. Good luck on your incredible journey.
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 19, 2018
Peter W.’s Twitter bio describes him as, “Husband. Experienced Apiarist (Beekeeper). I like sports and grilling on my deck.” The content of his 99 tweets reveal a guy with simple needs and quotidian tastes. He’s easily fooled by Photoshop, is not a fan of drugs or cursing, is probably allergic to peanuts, and his wife Susan is most definitely cheating on him with her personal trainer.
Spent the afternoon practicing our X-Forcing. These guys are really good. REALLY good. Need to work on my cardio.
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 19, 2018
Big time hive inspection today. Can’t wait to lick this! #BeeUtifil #BeeSafe
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 18, 2018
Here’s a shot of me with Santa as a little boy. His beard smelled like freshly brushed Dreams. And those are his real hands, by the way! #FlashbackWednesday
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 18, 2018
An experienced Apiarist (BeeKeeper) will NEVER use body moisturizers made with lavender shea butter. I hope this person is okay. #BeeResponsible
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 10, 2018
Looks like Susan and her personal trainer are going for an “all day” weightlifting session in the garage. #HardWork #FitnessGoals
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 9, 2018
Susan is in the garage lifting weights with her trainer, Gus. Looks like it’s TurboTax time for me! #MondayMotivation
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 9, 2018
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 10, 2018
Hope everyone’s having a Bee-utiful day! 🐝 #BeeKeepingPuns
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 8, 2018
I’m not toking on drugs. Smoke is actually used to relax the bees around the apiary (beehive) so I can harvest their delicious honey! #DrugsFree #NotToking
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 8, 2018
I weighed my hand this morning. Exactly 1 Pound! 🖐🏻
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 7, 2018
I spend so much time beekeeping, my wife thinks I’m cheating on her with the bees. That would be painful. For the bee!!!! LOL. #BeeKeeperJokes #SeriouslyILoveMyWife
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 6, 2018
Whoever invented Skechers Shape-Ups, deserves a Nobel Prize for comfort. #CasualThursday #HappyFeet #LosingWeight #FootSpa
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 5, 2018
I listen to rock music. But that doesn’t mean I’ll fall into marijuana. #DrugsFree #NoWay
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 5, 2018
Honestly, she spoils me. #lovemywife #familylove
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) March 26, 2018
I still can’t believe they cancelled Frazier.
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 5, 2018
.@NatGeo You guys see this?? No way it’s real. #photoshop
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 5, 2018
It's Hump Day.
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) March 28, 2018
I appreciate all the attention. But I’m just an honest guy, looking for work in a contracting economy. #XForce
— Peter W. (@PeterW_1974) April 19, 2018
(Via We Got This Covered, Screen Rant, and SyFy)