Indiecast Awards The First Round Of Indiecasties

Just like everyone, as the year winds down, Steven Hyden and Ian Cohen are getting reflective. But rather than just creating another regular old list compiling the best of 2020, Hyden and Cohen are launching the official Indiecast awards show, The Indiecasties. Across two episodes, the duo will be awarding the highly sought-after Indiecasties to the best, worst, and downright strangest releases of the year.

This week brings the first of two installments of the award show, and Hyden and Cohen are waiting and ready to bestow some trophies. assigning the most “Indiecast-as-a-genre” album or artist of 2020, Hyden’s favorite “Ian Cohen-core” album and Cohen’s favorite “Steven Hyden-core” album, as well as the year’s most annoying album cycle, and most memory-holed album.

In this week’s Recommendation Corner, Hyden has been enjoying The Hold Steady catalogue, prompted by the announcement of their forthcoming new album Open Door Policy. Cohen has been listening to a lot of Ogbert The Nerd.

New episodes of Indiecast drop every Friday. Listen to Episode 19 on Apple Podcasts and Spotify below, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts here. Stay up to date and follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. .