Mumford And Sons’ banjo player Winston Marshall came under fire after he recently praised known right-wing agitator Andy Ngo in a social media post. Over the weekend, Marshall took to Twitter to share with his followers that he had recently completed Ngo’s book, titled Unmasked, which details antifa’s, as Ngo puts it, “radical plan to destroy democracy.” In the tweet, he said, “Finally had the time to read your important book” and called Ngo a “brave man.” Fans quickly condemned him for the post and Marshall deleted it a couple of days later, according to Consequence Of Sound. Now, he’s decided to take a leave of absence from the band.
Marshall made the announcement through a statement, which he shared on Twitter. “Over the past few days I have come to better understand the pain caused by the book I endorsed,” he wrote. “I have offended not only a lot of people I don’t know, but also those closest to me, including my bandmates and for the I am truly sorry. As a result of my actions I am taking time away from the band to examine my blindspots.” He added, “For now, please know that I realise how my endorsements have the potential to be viewed as approvals of hateful, divisive behaviour. I apologise, as this was not at all my intention.”