Omnipresent convenience store chain 7-Eleven is once again inviting–daring is more like it–the world to bring a bucket or “cup” to one of their participating locations and fill it up with Slurpee for just $1.50. This comes just a month after they offered a similar promotion, celebrating their signature frozen concoction’s 50th anniversary, during which they literally gave the stuff away for free. The deal is good from 11am to 7pm, August 19 and 2o. And before you begin entertaining dangerously ambitious schemes to score as much frozen sucrose-water as possible, bear in mind 7-11 has already called out trashcans, trash bags, kiddy pools, and kitchen sinks as impermissible containers.
However, you can try your luck with any “cup” that fits upright in the Slurpee machine and features a 10-inch diameter opening. It must also be leak-proof and sanitary because obviously, come on, somebody has to use that machine when you’re done with it. If you don’t possess the time or devil-may-care attitude to forge a homemade vessel for your Sour Patch Redberry or Airheads Xtremes Rainbow Berry Slurpee, you can always purchase a 32-oz fishbowl in-store for $3.99.
Oh, and there is a limit of one cup per customer. And whatever you do, please don’t wheeze the juice.
(Via Brand Eating)