Airbnb Admits To Diversity Problems And Makes A Major Commitment To House Refugees


Airbnb, which has had its share of discrimination issues, launched a Super Bowl ad to promote a new campaign to subtly protest Donald Trump’s immigration ban. In the past, the company was subject to claims that clients weren’t able to book rooms because they were being profiled. As a result, the company has gone out of its way to condemn the issue and tweaked some of its rules to fix the problem. Now, on the heels of Trump’s immigration ban, they want to do more.

Under its “we accept” campaign, Airbnb will aid those who have been displaced “whether because of war or conflict or other factors, are acutely vulnerable to not being accepted.” Over the next five years, the company will help these people with short-term housing and donate some cash in the process. Here’s a company statement:

“Today we’re setting a goal to provide short-term housing over the next five years for 100,000 people in need. We’ll start with refugees, disaster survivors, and relief workers, though we want to accommodate many more types of displaced people over time. To help people around the world facing displacement, we’ll work with our community of hosts to find not just a place to stay, but also a place to feel connected, respected, and a part of a community again. In addition, Airbnb will contribute $4 million over the course of four years to the International Rescue Committee to support the most critical needs of displaced populations globally.”

Not only is the campaign providing a helping hand for those that have been affected by the ban, but hopefully, they’ll receive a nice little brand-related pick me up too. Although the campaign may have been partially motivated by the desire to repair a reputation, all effects can only be positive.

(Via Airbnb)