A New Study Shows The Best Cities To Find Jobs In 2019

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If finding good work lately has been a bit of a struggle it may not entirely be your fault, some cities just fare better than others in the jobs department. If you’re on the heels of relocating or have a sneaking suspicion that your struggles aren’t just related to your resume, it might not be a bad idea to check which cities have a booming job market/

Utilizing information from various sources like the National Association of Colleges and Employers as well as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, WalletHub analyzed key factors like the overall number of jobs available and the cost of living. The data showed that overall unemployment is down and hiring is up, so if you’re entering the job market fresh in 2019 you’re entering into favorable conditions. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, employers are planning to hire 16% more graduates from the class of 2019 than previous years.

WalletHub looked at the job opportunities, possibility of employment growth, and the average monthly starting salary of jobs from more than 180 cities across the country and found that the best city to look for work in was none other than the most obvious choice — Scottsdale, Arizona.

Los Angeles, Austin, and New York City? Didn’t even crack the top 30. Here are the top ten cities with the best job opportunities, according to WalletHub:

1. Scottsdale, Arizona
2. Columbia, Maryland
3. Orlando, Florida
4. San Francisco, California
5. Colorado Springs, Colorado
6. Portland, Maine
7. Plano, Texas
8. Washington, DC
9. Boston, Massachusetts
10. Chandler, Arizona.

To our eyes, the list is pretty surprising, but it’s comforting to know that San Francisco — which has the most expensive rent of any U.S. city — is at least breaking into the top 5. WalletHub’s study also gives information on which cities have the most opportunity for growth, which offer the highest and lowest median income, and which cities have the most reasonable cost of living. It’s worth checking out if you’re interested in specifics.

Find out how your city stacks up against the rest with WalletHub’s interactive map below, and consider relocating – not easy, we know – if the odds seem stacked against you.

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Source: WalletHub