If you’ve ever been to Scotland, chances are you were served haggis at least one time during your trip. Whether it was at the breakfast buffet in your hotel, or as part of an authentic Burns Night dinner, haggis is pretty much everywhere in the hilly country that sits north of England. But, as prevalent as the dish is in Scotland, it has been banned from import to the US since 1971.
Well, get out your kilts, ye lovers of this delicacy — That’s about to change!
After more than forty years, haggis might finally be headed back to the US. Scotland and the American authorities are on the verge of allowing the food to be imported. “This could be colossal,” James Macsween, managing director of haggis brand Macsween told CNN Money.
You might have heard bad things about haggis and that could be because it’s a type of pudding that consists of the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep, ground up and mixed together with oatmeal and various spices before being cooked in a section of sheep intestine or stomach. Though it sounds more like a punishment than a meal, haggis beloved by Scots from Oban to Orkney and tastes pretty good when paired with a smoky Scotch from Islay.
There’s no timetable for when Americans will finally be able to purchase haggis, but let’s hope stores stock enough of this tasty treat. Nobody wants to a repeat of the race to find a Nintendo Classic.