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A lesbian couple that recently moved to Natick, Massachusetts were enjoying their new neighborhood until they went away for a few days on vacation. Upon their return, Lauri and Cari Ryding were confronted by a the rudest of surprises – their rainbow flag hanging outside their home had been vandalized by unknown visitors during their absence. The vandals egged the flag while the couple was away together and have still not been found. While the police work to figure out who might have done such a rude and insensitive thing, the neighborhood is banding together and showing support for their neighbors in a beautiful way.
Shortly after the incident, the entire street decided that they would be strong in the face of ignorance and hung rainbow flags on each and every home. The flags went up on houses quickly – more than 40 in all. Lauri and Cari were overcome with emotion after seeing the gesture their neighbors coordinated just to make them feel welcome and supported in their own community.
The Ryding’s flag was originally posted in support of the Pulse nightclub shooting, so the vandalism is even more atrocious when the purpose of the flag is factored in. With one simple and easy gesture, one Massachusetts neighborhood proves that there is a lot of love to be found in the world.
(Via The Huffington Post)